Bulk Data Access API

The Bulk Data Application Programming Interface (API) in Health Level Seven® (HL7®) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) provides a compatible FHIR® system application access to potentially large volumes of information on a group of patients. Examples of where this is useful include research, quality measure calculations, and population health applications.

The traditional, interactive FHIR® API is excellent for retrieving small amounts of data in near real time. The use cases mentioned above may require many thousands of such queries to be satisfied, which is not practical. The FHIR® Bulk Data Access API was designed to address these scenarios.


Client applications that interact with the Soarian Clinicals® Bulk Data API operate under the system persona, implying that no human is assumed to be directly interacting with it. The API secures the client application using Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 and OAuth 2.

The client application must be registered with Cerner and enabled for the healthcare organization, as well as capable of maintaining a client secret to ensure its authenticity. See Authorization for more information.

The client application requests bulk data from Soarian Clinicals® by issuing an HTTP GET request, specifying the $export operation, to one of two endpoints:

In response, Soarian Clinicals® acknowledges the request in near real time. The acknowledgment of a successful request includes a Content-Location header that contains the absolute URL of an endpoint for status requests.

After the export request has been accepted, Soarian Clinicals® begins to generate one or more files in NDJSON format that contain the bulk data matching the request. The time that this process takes ranges from very short to very long, depending upon the amount of data that qualifies for inclusion based on the request.

Once it has received the initial acknowledgement, the client application may poll Soarian Clinicals® for the status of the file build using the polling location URL provided in the Content-Location header:

Soarian Clinicals® then returns one of the following responses:

The body of the 200 OK status response contains links to the NDJSON formatted files that contain the requested bulk data. The client application can download these files.

At any time after the initial bulk data request has been acknowledged, the client application can request that it be deleted:

If the above DELETE request is sent before the bulk request has completed, the in-flight request is canceled, and any associated content is marked for deletion from the server.

Cerner recommends that client applications always explicitly delete requests after they have finished downloading bulk data. Healthcare organizations have the option of configuring their systems to reject what seem to be duplicate requests. Deleting a request ensures that a subsequent request with the same parameters is not rejected as a duplicate.

Registering Client Applications

Before a client application can interact with the Soarian Clinicals® Bulk API, it must obtain an asymmetric key pair and register its public key set with Cerner. Once a client application is registered, the Soarian Clinicals® Bulk API treats it as preauthorized. This enables the client application to obtain access tokens at runtime after authenticating itself. See Authorization for details on registering client applications and obtaining access tokens.

Population Data—Kickoff Request

Soarian Clinicals® supports two endpoints for bulk data requests: one for All Patients, and another for a specific Group of Patients.

To retrieve information related to all patients in the Electronic Health Record (EHR), access the following endpoint:

GET [fhir base]/Patient/$export?:parameters

To retrieve information related to a specific group of patients in the EHR, access the following endpoint:

GET [fhir base]/Group/[id]/$export?:parameters

Implementation Notes

Be aware that a request for all patients’ data has the potential to consume a significant amount of system resources for a long time. Cerner strongly recommends that implementers retrieve information for specific groups of patients, rather than all patients. If you access the All Patients endpoint, consider using parameters to limit the amount of data returned.

Depending upon the hospital’s policies and configuration, the ability to return data on all patients may be limited or disallowed. The availability of system resources (for example, file space) may also limit responses to requests for all patients (or any query that is too broad).

Authorization Types


Name Required? Type Description
_outputFormat No string The format for the requested bulk data files to be generated as per FHIR Asynchronous Request Pattern. Defaults to application/fhir+ndjson. Soarian Clinicals® accepts application/fhir+ndjson as well as the abbreviated representations application/ndjson and ndjson.
_since No FHIR® instant The response includes resources if their state changed after the supplied time (for example, if Resource.meta.lastUpdated is later than the supplied_since time).
_type No String of comma-delimited FHIR® resource types Only resources of the specified resource types are included in the response. If this parameter is omitted, Soarian Clinicals® returns all supported resources in the scope of the client application authorization.



Accept: application/fhir+json
Prefer: respond-async
Authorization: <OAuth2 Bearer Token>



GET https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/Group/All_Patients/$export?_outputFormat=ndjson&_since=2020-05-10T07:12:33.058Z&_type=Patient

Response A successful response includes:

Status: 202 Accepted
  "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
  "id": "3f6bd10f-8fa4-4606-aa4e-a408844fa965",
  "issue": [
      "severity": "information",
      "code": "STRUCTURE",
      "details": {
        "text": "Request accepted, but resource(s) {Binary} in _type parameter is\n\t\t\t\t\tsupported as contained and will not generate resource specific output file(s)"

Note: The examples provided here are non-normative and replaying them in the public sandbox is not guaranteed to yield the results shown on the site.


The following common errors and OperationOutcomes may be returned in response to the export request:

HTTP Status Cause Severity Code
400 Badly formed URL error structure
400 The _outputFormat parameter or _since parameter contains an Invalid or unsupported value. error invalid
400 The resources in _type parameter are not supported standalone. error not-supported
403 The expected scope does not match the URL. error Security
404 The Population Application or Population Group is not defined or not active. error not-found
404 The Population Group is not assigned to a Population Application. error not-found
404 The Stored Procedure assigned to the Population Group with group ID was not found. error not-found
404 The resources in the _type parameter are not supported. error not-supported
404 The Population Application is not configured to use the Bulk Data Patient Export. error not-found
406 The Bulk Data Server rejected an export operation with an invalid Accept or Prefer header. error Structure
409 The Population Application sent a duplicate request that uses the same values in the _since and in _type parameters. error duplicate
501 The FHIR® operation for Patient Export is not currently enabled in this server environment due to volume and traffic considerations. Contact the institution with inquiries or modify your request to perform a Group Export. error not-found

Population Data—Delete Request

Soarian Clinicals® supports bulk data delete requests initiated by client applications.

If the delete request specifies a bulk data export request that is in progress, the export request is canceled, and any files associated with the export request are marked for deletion.

If the bulk data export request completed previously, any files associated with the export request are deleted.


Accept: application/fhir+json
Prefer: respond-async
Authorization: <OAuth2 Bearer Token>



GET https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/bulk-api/request/6d7210a3-9c6d-4b4a-ad15-013515b524ba

In this scenario, the polling content location matches the value returned in the response to the initial bulk data request.

Response A successful response includes:

Status: 202 Accepted
  "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
  "id": "3f6bd10f-8fa4-4606-aa4e-a408844fa965",
  "issue": [
      "severity": "information",
      "code": "processing",
      "details": {
        "text": "Cancellation of Bulkdata request <6d7210a3-9c6d-4b4a-ad15-013515b524ba> has been accepted.\n\t\t\t\t\tCancellation requested at : 2022-05-10T03:14:12Z"

Note: The examples provided here are non-normative and replaying them in the public sandbox is not guaranteed to yield the results shown on the site.


The following common errors and OperationOutcomes may be returned from the delete request:

HTTP Status Cause Severity Code
404 The Population Application is not defined or not active. error not-found
404 The Request ID was not found. error not-found
404 This request was previously canceled or has expired. error deleted
406 The Bulk Data Server rejected this Status Request operation due to an invalid Accept header. error structure
500 An internal error occurred. fatal exception

Population Data—Status Request

Once a bulk data request has started, bulk client applications can query its status by issuing an HTTP GET to the polling content location associated with the bulk data request.


Accept: application/fhir+json
Prefer: respond-async
Authorization: <OAuth2 Bearer Token>



GET https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/Group/All_Patients/$export?_outputFormat=ndjson&_since=2021-05-10T07:02:39.784Z&_type=Patient

Scenarios where polling content location matches the value returned in the response to the initial bulk data request.


A status request has the following possible responses:

Note: The examples provided here are non-normative and replaying them in the public sandbox is not guaranteed to yield the results shown on the site.

Example – In Progress

A successful response includes the following messages:

Status: 202 Accepted

Example – Error

An error response includes the following information:

  "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
  "id": "af736a47-a308-49df-ba17-0eb3e0bb4830",
  "issue": [
      "severity": "error",
      "code": "not-found",
      "details": {
        "text": "Population Group with group id <All_Patients> not assigned in FHIR Population\n\t\t\t\t\tApplication Configuration tool for Population Application <SoFIE - BulkApi App>.\n\t\t\t\t\tReference id for support: [af736a47-a308-49df-ba17-0eb3e0bb4830]."

This error response indicates that the operation has completely failed, that is, no NDJSON files containing bulk data have been created. In the case where the operation has partially succeeded (some— but not all— NDJSON files containing bulk data were created), the response indicates a Complete status.

Example – Complete

A 100% successful response includes:

The body of the response includes a list of output file URLs in the output array element.

Status: 200 OK
  "transactionTime": "2022-05-10T03:03:04Z",
  "request": "https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/bulk-api/request/Group/All_Patients/$export?_type=Patient",
  "requiresAccessToken": "true",
  "output": [
      "type": "Patient",
      "url": "https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/bulk-api/download/677d425a-ba0e-499f-98eb-8de26dbd4bb1/6C68089A-25BA-49CC-AC48-9C1E56D0C593_Patient.ndjson"
  "error": [


A partially successful response also includes a list of output file URLs in the output array element, pointing to data files that were successfully created. The response body also contains an error array element, which contains a list of URLs that point to NDJSON OperationOutcome resources that detail the errors encountered.

Status: 200 OK
  "transactionTime": "2022-05-10T03:17:51Z",
  "request": "https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/bulk-api/request/Group/All_Patients/$export?_type=Goal,Patient,Procedure",
  "requiresAccessToken": "true",
  "output": [
      "type": "Patient",
      "url": "https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/bulk-api/download/173a39fc-a2c3-4df2-ae41-5445240f3612/2A168AB6-7F5E-4BDC-BD53-F5911FF82D68_Patient.ndjson"
      "type": "Goal",
      "url": "https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/bulk-api/download/173a39fc-a2c3-4df2-ae41-5445240f3612/FCCC3692-4A03-4DA1-8BB3-8BD62E20C75C_Goal.ndjson"
  "error": [



The following common errors and OperationOutcomes may be returned from the status request:

HTTP Status Cause Severity Code
404 The Population Application is not defined or not active. error not-found
404 The Request ID was not found. error not-found
404 This request was previously canceled or has expired. error deleted
406 The Bulk Data Server rejected this Status Request operation due to an invalid Accept header. error structure
500 An internal error occurred. fatal exception

Population Data – File Request

As mentioned in previous sections, the status response for a completed request includes a list of output file URLs and if applicable, a list of OperationOutcome URLs. The client application may now download these files using these URLs.


Authorization: <OAuth2 Bearer Token>



GET https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/bulk-api/request/173a39fc-a2c3-4df2-ae41-5445240f3612

Where the URLs point to the download location.

Note that a valid access token must be supplied with the download request. The most recently obtained access token can be used if it is unexpired. Otherwise, a new access token must be obtained using the refresh token. See Authorization for details.


  "transactionTime": "2022-05-10T03:17:51Z",
  "request": "https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/bulk-api/request/Group/All_Patients/$export?_type=Goal,Patient,Procedure",
  "requiresAccessToken": "true",
  "output": [
      "type": "Patient",
      "url": "https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/bulk-api/download/173a39fc-a2c3-4df2-ae41-5445240f3612/2A168AB6-7F5E-4BDC-BD53-F5911FF82D68_Patient.ndjson"
      "type": "Goal",
      "url": "https://fhir-ehr-sc.cerner.com/r4/2f8f5ec1-b7b8-4be5-ae27-e308284dd9c1/bulk-api/download/173a39fc-a2c3-4df2-ae41-5445240f3612/FCCC3692-4A03-4DA1-8BB3-8BD62E20C75C_Goal.ndjson"
  "error": [


Note: The examples provided here are non-normative and replaying them in the public sandbox is not guaranteed to yield the results shown on the site.


The following common errors and OperationOutcomes may be returned from the file request:

HTTP Status Cause Severity Code
403 The expected scope does not match the URL. error Security
404 The Population Application is not defined or not active. error not-found
404 The Request ID was not found. error not-found
404 This request was previously canceled or has expired. error deleted
404 The file was not found. error not-found
406 The Bulk Data Server rejected this Status Request operation due to an invalid Accept header. error structure