Oracle Soarian Clinicals

Oracle Health strives to bring the healthcare and development worlds together by encouraging innovators (third party vendors and clients) to develop apps that work across existing health records and help the industry advance the way care gets delivered through improved interoperability capabilities.

Oracle Soarian Clinicals is an enterprise-wide healthcare information system intended to be used throughout the continuum of care by healthcare providers and administrative personnel to document patient information and to electronically display, store, retrieve, transfer, exchange, report, and print patient information.

Questions? See the Oracle Health Developer Forums for support and to connect with other developers across multiple API venues.


Learn about the resources that make up the Oracle Cerner implementation of the HL7 FHIR standard.

Supported version

The Oracle Cerner implementation currently supports the R4 First Normative Content (4.0.1) version of the HL7 FHIR standard. The implementation of the R4 version is ongoing and new resources and actions will be added over time.

The Oracle Cerner R4 implementation supports patient access for resources in alignment with requirements set by the 2015 Edition Cures Act (Formerly Meaningful Use 3).

Supported resources

To determine what resources and actions the R4 implementation supports, you can browse the documentation. You can also view the CapabilityStatement (R4) endpoints for the list of supported resources and actions.

See the US Core Data for Interoperability section of the HL7 FHIR US Core Implementation Guide for more information.


Help and Support

FAQs on Oracle Health's implementation of the HL7 FHIR Standard